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Why I Love the Morning

Over the past couple of weeks from Monday to Friday, I’ve been waking up early. My first alarm goes off at 5:00am, the second at 5:30am and the final at 6:00am where I haul my butt out of bed, and make a cup of coffee - that’s if I don’t hit snooze one or two times first. This started because of the way I was feeling about my body, as I was coming down from a long break from physical activity. I wanted to find time to workout that wouldn’t interfere with my studying, class or any potential social time. I never found it particularly difficult to wake up early, so this time seemed appropriate for me. I made it a goal of mine to do something every day.

The first week, I went for a 1.5km run, then stopped at a park near my house with a large field to stretch. It was here I developed a love for the morning. The chirps of the birds, the subtle sway of the trees, cars in the distance sounding virtually indistinguishable from waves and a beautiful, peaceful landscape view of the mountains. What’s not to love? The absolute best part is that there is no one else crowding around me, and it is almost as if I have the world to myself. As the weeks went on, whether or not I worked out, I made sure to come back to this park Monday to Friday to stretch.

However, as the weeks went on, the comfort and familiarity I felt with the park was not so much about the park at all. I realized it was because for one hour, sometimes less, sometimes more, I was able to solely focus on myself. No phone, no music, no book, no homework - nothing, except my body and my mind situated in the present. Although I don’t practice it consciously, I believe this is a form of meditation. Regardless of what it is, it is a time I lend to myself. It is a time to channel the energy I give out to my responsibilities, family and friends and give it back to me. I am fortunate, and privileged enough to have surroundings that allow me to do so, and I want to take advantage of every moment I can - I encourage you to do the same. If you can find the time, even as small as 5 minutes, take it for yourself. Catch your breath, and slow down. The world can, and will wait for you. What started as a journey to get my body right, continues as a journey of self love, solace and gratitude. That’s why I love the morning.