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Rethinking Love

As a fourth-year communication major and the current multimedia director, I’ve met many peers in my field, and one thing I’ve noticed? Most of us have an "N" in our MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator).

For those unfamiliar, "N" stands for intuitive, meaning we tend to think about big ideas, possibilities, and the future. On the other hand, "S" (sensing) types focus on the present, valuing concrete facts over abstract thoughts. As an "N" myself (and a deeply spiritual and emotional person) I spend a lot of time reflecting on different topics. And one that always lingers in my mind is love.

If you were paying attention two seconds ago, I called myself emotional, which in MBTI terms, means I’m an "F" (feeler) rather than a "T" (thinker). Now, this doesn’t mean thinkers aren’t capable of love. Of course, they are! But Ts tend to process things more logically in daily life, which makes for an interesting dynamic in relationships.

I’ve heard countless stories from my T friends about their struggles with F partners. It often goes like this: The T person brings up an issue, the F partner gets emotional, the T person now has to comfort them, and the original issue gets derailed. I can see how that could get exhausting. But at the same time, Fs bring depth and emotional connection to relationships, which isn’t a bad thing, it’s just a difference in how we navigate love.

That said, we shouldn’t let MBTI take over our entire worldview. A wise individual once told me: If you think love is just a feeling you get from someone, relationships aren’t for you.

Yikes. But they had a point. Love isn’t just a fleeting emotion; it takes work. It requires the three C’s: communication, compromise, and commitment. You can ‘love’ someone, but without these, the relationship won’t last. Even us feelers have to put on our thinking caps and approach love realistically (sadly).

So, what is love, really? I think I’ll be pondering that question forever. Maybe one day, I’ll even figure out if I’m capable of loving someone in that way.

(And yes, I’m aware of the irony—my name is Valentine, literally named because I was the “fruit of love.” But that’s some trauma I won’t unpack today.)

Don’t even get me started on zodiac signs. (Unless you want me to!)