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3 Thoughts That Keep me Up at Night

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Do you ever find your mind is all over the place when you are trying to go to sleep? Thinking about the wildest scenarios or most abstract concepts? Well I am here to tell you, you are not alone. I am a chronic late night/shower thinker. Having been this way since I was a child, I have numerous topics that repeatedly pop up in my head with no answer in sight. I have 3 of those thoughts here to share with you, so we can all be sleepless together.

What If Half the Population was Nocturnal?

I truly think this would solve a lot of the world’s problems. Businesses would run 24/7, traffic would be reduced, and the world will be more connected because there will always be people awake in other countries regardless of time zone. Every new born baby would be assigned to day or night, which of course could depend on their parents category. If you are thinking, “but wait that means half the world would never see each other”, do not fret. Since most people only require 8 hours of sleep, if we keep the 9:00am - 5:00pm standard work structure, this is an example of how a typical day could look for adults:

Day Person

12:00am - 8:00am : Sleep

9:00am - 5:00pm : Work

5:00pm - 12:00am : Leisure

Nocturnal Person

12:00am - 8:00am : Work

9:00am - 5:00pm : Sleep

5:00pm - 12:00am : Leisure

There could be lots of variations to this, but the point is, there will always be a window of time where the Day people, and Night people are awake at the same time.


Source: Quora

There is so much to discuss here. Time has always been mind boggling to me. It is so weird how sometimes I keep looking at the clock and time seems to take forever to pass by, and other times I look at my phone and it’s already midnight as if the day flashed before my eyes. Getting a little more sciencey, it’s also crazy to think about time in terms of Einstein’s theory of relativity. I won’t get too technical but basically, if an object is moving faster or if an object is bigger, spacetime is warped more. A fantastic movie that showcases this whole concept and gives you an existential crisis is Interstellar. I highly recommend giving it a watch, if not for the science than for the all-star cast. This whole idea just makes me think of how unique and interesting it is that we experience time the way we do. If we were to go to Venus, 1 day is 5,832 hours! In other words, every hour on Venus is 100 hours on Earth. That’s basically time travel!

What If There Was No Government?

Since humanity began to evolve and we started to grow civilizations, we have had some sort of an organized government or ruling class of leaders. But what if we didn’t? Another way of saying this is what if we lived in an Anarchical society? I have always wondered what would happen if one day we just got rid of all our governments. Of course, if this were to be implemented now I believe it would be very chaotic in our complex and more technologically advanced world, as opposed to having Anarchy during say the 17th century. I just find it interesting to think about what people would do. After the chaos dies and people get the impulsive things out of their system like raiding grocery stores or going on killing sprees, what would happen then? Are we as humans able to live and grow amongst each other without having to regulated? This is one of those late night thoughts that truly makes me think the worst of humanity.

I hope you found this little inside look into my mind interesting. Try not to let these topics keep you up at night like they do for me.. But these are definitely good starting points if you’re looking to have a good conversation or debate with friends. If you would like to hear more of my crazy thoughts check out the Cherry Pit Podcast! We get into conversations revolving around abstract philosophical topics like these, but also more fathomable discussions like our opinions on fashion trends or stories about our high school experiences. Check it out and become a Pit!

For now, happy thinking!