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An undergrad students’ guide to self-care

As much as we may try to prevent it, stress is unavoidable. Midterms, finals, assignments, relationships, work and more all add some level of stress to our lives. Nevertheless, it is important to remember to take the steps towards caring for yourself before, during and after these times.

There are many different steps you can take when it comes to self-care. But I narrowed down to six steps I found the most useful and helpful throughout my years as an undergrad student!

1. Create a Daily Routine

Source: Herzing University

Creating a routine for your daily plans and activities can help maintain an organized schedule. One of the most useful changes in a routine involves waking up earlier and having more time to complete tasks and activities. Although waking up at 6:00 or 7:00 in the morning may seem dreadful, completing more tasks and having more time for yourself in a day provides a comforting shift.

2. Try Journaling Every Week

Remembering to write down your thoughts and feelings daily can be difficult, especially if you have a busy schedule that does not allow for time to do so. But designating at least one day a week to journal and check in with yourself can be just as therapeutic. I find that journaling allows me to pinpoint my sources of stress and uncover ways to reduce it.

3. Reward Yourself

Source: Possible Works

This self-care step is by far my favorite. Rewarding yourself can take on many different forms but mainly depends on what your favourite things may be. For example, I am obsessed with chocolate, so when I complete a difficult essay or exam, I reward myself with Ferrero Rocher (also known as the best chocolate ever, if you think otherwise, you are wrong).

4. Delegate Time for Both Yourself and Your Loved Ones

Isolating from close friends and distant family during the pandemic allowed me to appreciate their places in my life even more. Additionally, the pandemic also re-emphasized the importance of balance. Designating time for yourself and those close to you provides this balance since it highlights self-care and prevents isolation and loneliness.

5. Go on Daily Walks

Source: CBS

The amount of time my friends, family, and I spend on our devices for entertainment should be outlawed. Too much screen time can be draining for both the eyes and mental health. Therefore, it is important to spend more time on more active activities such as going on daily walks. This helps to reduce screen time and provides more time to breathe in the fresh air.

6. Explore New Hobbies

Not only does exploring new hobbies help increase productivity levels, but it uncovers new interests you may have not known would be enjoyable. My friends and I engage in new activities once in a while and were able to discover our golfing hobby. I would suggest reviewing burlap + blue’s List of 1000+ Hobbies To Try if you are like me and have trouble looking for new hobbies!