Evolve Rebooted: The Zoom Series

One week ago today, the CMNSU successfully held our first event of the year, and the first online event ever, Evolve Rebooted: The Zoom Series. This year’s Evolve was exactly as the title describes; rebooted. We decided to put a twist to the traditional Evolve, and use our platform as a means to ensure those in the communications and SFU community leave with more knowledge, more resources and comfort in knowing they are not alone during these unprecedented times. 

Instagram: @CMNSU

Instagram: @CMNSU

Day one was all about evolving your first year. However, we welcomed students of all years as everyone can benefit from tips and tricks regarding productivity, motivation and time management. In addition to this, we invited Steven Malcic, professor of CMNS 353, 362 and 453, and Sara Sethna, a Co-op Coordinator for Communications. Steven was an excellent speaker, who shared wisdom and solace with us as he discussed his own experiences, tips and tricks as a professor during Zoom University. Sara was extremely helpful in providing a brief overview of the benefits and process of joining the co-op program. Many students found interest in what Sara was saying, and hope to join co-op soon! 

Instagram: @CMNSU

Instagram: @CMNSU

On Day Two we discussed how to and what evolving one’s social awareness looks like. Martin Laba, professor of CMNS 425, 482 and 850, in addition to Angela Vannatter and Eman Osman, co-hosts of TwentySomething Podcast and CMNSU Alumni, were our speakers on this day. Martin discussed how pertinent it is to be a communications major in this political, cultural and social climate, and how we are able to use it to facilitate great change. Martin reminded us that regardless of the size of our contribution or platform, we can and will contribute to meaningful social change. Angela and Eman discussed their personal experiences in navigating the current global climate, and not only the power in being a student of communications, but how to use that as a force for change.

Instagram: @CMNSU

Instagram: @CMNSU

Day Three was all about evolving your mental wellbeing, as both day one and two carry heavy tones, and the content of each day can weigh heavily on our spirits. Martin Mroz from SFU’s Health and Counselling was our sole speaker for this day, and shared insight on how to enhance your resilience through self-compassion, social connections and asking for support. He also shared resources available to SFU students both on and off campus, available here: Off Campus and On Campus.

Overall, Evolve was an incredible experience. We laughed, learned, listened and most importantly, evolved. On behalf of the CMNSU, thank you to all of our wonderful speakers for taking the time to share your insight. Most importantly, thank you to the students who decided to evolve alongside us. We hope this was an invaluable experience, and that you are able to continue the conversations held each day.

Day Two of Evolve Rebooted: The Zoom SeriesPhoto Credits: Gen Cheng

Day Two of Evolve Rebooted: The Zoom Series

Photo Credits: Gen Cheng

The proceeds from Evolve Rebooted: Online Series will be allocated between Black Women in Motion, Native Women’s Association of Canada, and Yemen Children's Relief Fund, to which you can also donate by clicking the links provided. Additionally, if you are looking for more ways to help, check out our own Resource Page, with multiple petitions, places to donate, as well as resources to expand your knowledge.

Amrita Mohar

Hi! My name is Amrita Mohar and I have just completed my last semester as an undergraduate student at SFU for Communications. Currently, I am working as an Executive Assistant at a PR firm called Exvera Communications.


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