Culture Industry Emma Cosman Culture Industry Emma Cosman

Popular Culture, Representation, and Ingenuity: Or Why Inside Out 2 Isn’t an Original Take on Anxiety.

Inside Out 2 gave audiences every beat of a classic Pixar film- perhaps its biggest praise comes from its genuine and ground-breaking portrayal of anxiety in a children’s film. As with any piece of popular culture, the question prevails as to whether this ground-breaking representation is truly the first of its kind to be represented, or if it’s just exactly what its cultural category denotes it as: popular.

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Erica Park Erica Park

Career Conversations - Disability Without Poverty

Harshita Srivastava is a fourth year undergraduate student joint-majoring in Communication and English. With her extensive involvement in university clubs and dedication to advocating for social causes, Harshita shares the value of embracing opportunities and taking risks to discover one’s true potential.

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Erica Park Erica Park

Career Conversations - SFU Advancement and Alumni Engagement

Talha Butt is a fifth-year student majoring in Communication. With a passion for community involvement and a commitment to supporting students’ educational experiences, Talha shares his journey in the Gift and Estate Planning sector of SFU Advancement and Alumni Engagement.

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Co-Op Erica Park Co-Op Erica Park

Career Conversations - Surrey Hospitals Foundation

Kyanna Sarmiento is a SFU alumni of Spring 2024 with a minor in Print & Digital Publishing. With her co-op experience that led to her passion in the healthcare sector and her current position as a Social Media and Content Coordinator, she shares the value of exploring diverse opportunities and acquiring new skills.

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Pig Slop, Culture Industry, Technopoly, CMNS Alan Röpke Pig Slop, Culture Industry, Technopoly, CMNS Alan Röpke


Kick’s roofied mediatized cocktail of entertainment, hate speech, and radicalization demonstrates the path unregulated entertainment has ahead as technologies continue to get more accessible, and entertainment becomes even more entrenched into every sphere of life. The harmful spectacle that is more alluring, more enticing to consume. This is the process of Addictainment, the societal outlet for a violent entertainment.

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Reviews Kofi Abrefah Reviews Kofi Abrefah

Uncut Gems

Uncut Gems is The Wolf of Wall Street for gamblers. Kofi reviews an incredibly inspirational movie.

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Co-Op Erica Park Co-Op Erica Park

Career Conversations — Joaquin Suarez

It's the best time to make mistakes while you’re still a student. Take as many risks and opportunities as possible – one right decision is all you need.” Joaquin Suarez is a SFU alumni who graduated in Fall 2023 with an honours degree in Communication. With co-op experience, extracurricular involvement and a collection of memorable learning experiences, Joaquin shares his journey from graduation to landing a position as a Communications Coordinator at Fraser Health Authority.

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Technopoly, CMNS, Pig Slop Alan Röpke Technopoly, CMNS, Pig Slop Alan Röpke

Mediatized Stimuli

All life becomes mediatized, experience now consumable via multistimuli form. An experience is not lived through in these conditions, instead you live a life of a perma-voyeur. Simultaneously hyperstimulated and unsatisfied, two magnetized points through which you cycle through.

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Co-Op Erica Park Co-Op Erica Park

Career Conversations — SFU VentureLabs

Marketing is more than just social media & raising sales” - Ashley Chia is a fourth year Communication student pursuing a minor in Print & Digital Publishing. With her recent co-op experience at SFU VentureLabs, she shares the value of co-op experience as a Marketing Associate.

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Technopoly, CMNS, Culture Industry Tatiana Rasco Technopoly, CMNS, Culture Industry Tatiana Rasco

Return to Form

We’ve witnessed a rapid resurgence of analog technology, with vinyl records and film cameras sparking revitalized interest among younger audiences. This phenomenon is a testament to our generation's collective fascination with the past, our attempt to find a semblance of authenticity or a connection to the tangible, in a vastly digitized world.

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