Roshni Rakshit

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Roshni Rakshit is a 4th year Communications Major eager to share the drive, moments and fulfillment one can experience as an involved and dedicated student on and off campus.

Roshni Rakshit is the CMNSU’s Chair of Careers in Communications (CIC), the CMNSU’s annual networking event. In addition to the CMNSU, Roshni has also been a part of SFU Fashion Week as the VP of Production and Logistics, is the current Vice President of the Indian Students Federation and is a writer for 5X Press. All of these roles have been executed in tandem with a full course load, and part-time job. Beyond these roles, however, she is a kind-hearted and ambitious individual who finds fulfillment in creating and facilitating meaningful connections. 

Roshni is a busy student, but she likes it that way. Roshni enjoys being in leadership positions as it is an opportunity to connect with others, while simultaneously testing her ability to adapt to changing situations and personalities. Although some may find it challenging to walk in another's shoes, Roshni is intrigued by understanding other people’s perspectives, biases and motives and how to make these differences work within a team environment. Because of her theatre background, she has had tangible experience walking in other people’s shoes and ensures to apply this same empathy and artistic intelligence to every challenge she takes on.

Roshni’s Community Involvement

Roshni at SFU’s Fashion Week

Roshni at SFU’s Fashion Week

[Sometimes], when you’re so deep down, you don’t find a purpose with life. Staying actively involved gives you a sense of purpose. It makes you realize there are things that are bigger than you, but you are a very very important piece of that big picture
— Roshni Rakshit

SFU Fashion Week | VP of Production and Logistics

“R: I was called in one week before the final performance… and I wanted to see how a fashion show works, and I wanted to volunteer. I just jumped into the opportunity and I had no idea as to what it would entail, and I don’t think any other opportunity has expanded my skills as much as that position has” 

Roshni dove head first into this opportunity, and was able to facilitate very meaningful results. SFU Fashion Week is a three-day event, in which Roshni participated when the theme was Multiculturalism. Over the three days, Roshni hosted a panel in which ethnic minorities represented themselves in a discussion, drew a layout for the orientation of the Fashion Show (where she cleverly applied her knowledge of the Theatre), coordinated models and designers in addition to hosting an after party. 

Indian Students Federation | Vice President 

“R: I think the most rewarding position for me has been my time in the Indian Students Federation which I’ve been a part of for 4 years now. It’s a very integral part of my life, and it connected me to my culture and to the people around me, and allowed me to host events that I never got to do back home” 

Roshni at the Indian Students Federation’s Diwali

Roshni at the Indian Students Federation’s Diwali

After asking about Roshni’s most rewarding experience, she described how rewards are presented to her in the form of connections, conversations and experiences. This is largely why Roshni feels her time in ISF is the most rewarding. In Roshni’s experience, events back home are usually held within the home. Roshni loved the opportunity to create events for her community that could be shared in a public space, as it was a chance to grow her network, connect to her culture and ensure that people had a place to feel like home, even when they are away from home. 

5X Press | Writer

“R: 5X Fest is an organization that hosts events, and every year collects renowned South Asian artists, musicians and dancers from all around the world, and I write for that press” 

In addition to on campus clubs and organizations, Roshni also writes for 5X Press, the press associated with 5X Fest that discusses South Asian art, culture, music, entertainment and relevant issues. Roshni writes about what is going on in the South Asian community and how it connects to the world, in addition to how race, gender and sexuality issues are handled within the South Asian Community. 

CMNSU | Chair of CIC 

“S: Do you have a favorite club or organization that you’ve been a part of?” 

“R: Would it seem too corny if I said CMNSU? I would say CMNSU because I don’t think I’ve ever felt so supported… and I’m learning so much and in terms of growth in my professional life, I feel like the CMNSU has been very instrumental” 

Roshni is an integral part in facilitating CIC. Simultaneously, CIC is a big role for a person to take on. This is why Roshni is so grateful to the CMNSU team, as they are always available to support her with whatever is needed. Because this year has changed the way we interact, Roshni works relentlessly with her team to innovate and change the way we experience CIC (and are excited to share it with you).

Should You Be More Involved?

“R: Definitely, definitely be more involved in school. It doesn’t matter if you’re an introvert or an extrovert because there are so many clubs that can cater to your interests… you can be a part of a writing club, a painting club - just be involved. Get to know the humans around you, the humans that you share a space with, because the world is a very lonely place - you need people to tackle it. The more people you meet from uni, just go ahead” 

Amrita Mohar

Hi! My name is Amrita Mohar and I have just completed my last semester as an undergraduate student at SFU for Communications. Currently, I am working as an Executive Assistant at a PR firm called Exvera Communications.



Sydney Lau