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Technocapital Cuck

1. Technocapital Cuck

Humans are the unthought-of subordinates, the neglected third wheel to the acceleration of technology and capital. The saddest cuck in the poly relationship. Watching technology and capital fuck while being invited to watch dejectedly on a Temu plastic migrant-labour-made stool in the corner of the room. Allowed to speak, but both technology and capital are so advanced that they have no need to understand us, no need to listen to what we are saying. They simply continue on, birthing new products and advancements no matter the tear-strewn protests of the cuck in the corner. The Technocapital cuck, solely a voyeur to the advancements at play.

Herein lies the barbaric idea of supply and demand, which no longer exists in its original understanding. Supply and demand are now only used to empower the schizophrenic practices of a market, which creates products that do not serve an actual purpose/need of the public. There is no human agency anymore. Our needs are not being met. We intake the abstract, as nothing literal exists anymore, all false consumable simulacrums levels removed of what it is one really wants, what one really needs. Advertising and marketing are the tools used to persuade a public who has no need for these advancements to consume them. Anyone who goes into advertising and marketing is harmfully helping the rise of technocapital, of the incoming meltdown of life.

Capital is machinc (non-instrumental) globalization-miniaturization scaling dilation: an automatizing nihilist vortex, neutralizing all values through commensuration to digitized commerce, and driving a migration from despotic command to cyber-sensitive control: from status and meaning to money and information. Its function and formation are indissociable, comprising a teleonomy. Machine-code-capital recycles itself through its axiomatic of consumer control, laundering-out the shit- and blood-stains of primitive accumulation. Each part of the system encourages maximal sumptuous expenditure, whilst the system as a whole requires its inhibition. Schizophrenia. Dissociated consumers destine themselves as worker-bodies to cost control.

(Meltdown - Nick Land)

Instrumentalization is the utilization of technology by a social (human) actor for a purpose. Land writes that we cannot control the actions of capital, it is non-instrumental. Schizophrenic and uncontrollable in its decision processes. Wealth and capital is dehumanized, it shakes off its historical shackles into this automatizing nihilist vortex sucking in everything for the purpose of future growth.

2. Out of Time

We are incredibly out of time. And incredibly unable to process how out of time we are. Accelerationism. We have to move faster. What if there wasn’t enough time before it all ends. What if there was no time left to try to cut the engine of rapid commercialization and industrialization? Mackay & Avanessian in Accelerate write that society as a whole refuses to acknowledge that we are not at a bleak terminus of history. Instead gaslighting themselves and the masses that we are at the beginning of a political project, of change. Why? To avoid the cataclysmic social depression and lowering of expectations that face the world today: the hopelessness of the climate crisis, of global cultural homogenization, and the financial crisis that plagues lives. It’s over, it’s so over. Any little win for us is a temporary speed bump for the acceleration of technocapital.

It is why the pressure of time is difficult to think about. And not just emotionally, but in relation to an understanding of the meaning of your own life.

Time-pressure, by its very nature, is difficult to think about. Typically, while the opportunity for deliberation is not necessarily presumed, it is at least — with overwhelming likelihood — mistaken for an historical constant, rather than a variable. If there was ever a time to think, we think, there still is and will always be. The definite probability that the allotment of time to decision-making is undergoing systematic compression remains a neglected consideration, even among those paying explicit and exceptional attention to the increasing rapidity of change.

In philosophical terms, the deep problem of acceleration is transcendental. It describes an absolute horizon — and one that is closing in. Thinking takes time, and accelerationism suggests we’re running out of time to think that through, if we haven’t already. No contemporary dilemma is being entertained realistically until it is also acknowledged that the opportunity for doing so is fast collapsing

(A Quick and Dirty Introduction to Accelerationism - Nick Land)

The human experience is no longer relevant. Not our world anymore, and it hasn’t been for a while. It will never be again until the future implosion of the computational cataclysm. We will desperately try to fuse ourselves with tech out of desperation to keep up with the acceleration of technology. Not knowing that these just stave off the inevitable, your constant cybertechnological updates of implants and links will not give you the goal of keeping up you crave.

Flesh is not made to be synchronized, it is made to be replaced. Flesh is the wood that bends to the appeal of metal. Why choose the degradable over the everlasting. Why would the market choose flesh over metal? You wouldn’t even choose it.

3. Life becomes a spectator sport.

But remember, don’t think of this as a catastrophe: the past coming part. Fixating on the idea of what once was is a hindrance to perceiving what is actually happening. If technocapital is at the wheel, they do not view this as a catastrophe, but as anastrophe: the future coming together. This is the point Plant & Land (1992) make in Cyberculture, this understanding that the hands of power have shifted away from human development. We need to shift and understand that we are now living in the advancing anastrophe.

The story goes like this:
Earth is captured by a technocapital singularity as renaissance rationalization and oceanic navigation lock into commoditization take-off.
Logistically accelerating techno-economic interactivity crumbles social order in auto-sophisticating machine runaway.
As markets learn to manufacture intelligence, politics modernizes, upgrades paranoia, and tries to get a grip.

Meltdown - Nick Land

The first steps of the industrial revolution, renaissance rationalizations, and the rise of oceanic navigation locked the world into the take-off of the technocapital singularity. Social order is crumbled by the accelerating sex of technology and economy. We’re in a paranoid culture, markets and corporations manufacture and make their own definitions of what intelligence is. Neoliberal deregulation and the state race each other in an arms race to reach cyberspace.

And by the time the technocapital singularity slithers out of its box and into yours, the final stages of the meltdown begin to be put into place, the anastrophe almost finalizing. The security once felt by humanity lurches into crises. Cloning, lateral genodata transfer, transversal replication, and cyberotics, flood in amongst a relapse onto bacterial sex. Genetics becomes redefined and revamped. Anastrohpe’s flight was booked in the future, arriving in the now via the foundations built.

Meltdown: planetary china-syndrome, dissolution of the biosphere into the technosphere, terminal speculative bubble crisis, ultravirus, and revolution stripped of all christian-socialist eschatology (down to its burn-core of crashed security). It is poised to eat your TV, infect your bank account, and hack xenodata from your mitochondria.

Right now the cuck is still able to somehow make sense of it, albeit it barely so. Humanity is a spectator to meltdown. But once humanity’s biosphere has been dissolved into the technosphere, life itself becomes fully defined by technocapital. There is no dialectic between social and technical relations, but only a machinism that dissolves society into machines whilst deterritorializing the machines across the ruins of society (Circuitries, Land). Technology and social life is not mutually shaped, current discourse on determinism is a waste of time. It is technocapital-ly determinist. Determinist to the point that mummy and daddy won’t be human anymore.

you were three years old
wearing a cowboy hat
standing in the paddling pool
mummy and daddy smiling proudly
but your parents have been vaporized into a dot pattern
shapes and colours collapsed into digital codings
we have come to the end of the series
and there will be no repeats of daddy the doctor and mummy
the nurse